Author Archive | webmaster

Made Green in Italy

Made Green in Italy

Made Green in Italy in force since 13 June 2018. The Regulation for the implementation of the voluntary national scheme for the evaluation and communication of the environmental footprint of products adopted by the Minister of the Environment. Made Green Italy uses the methodology for determining the environmental footprint of products (PEF) defined in the…

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Minimum Environmental Criteria

Minimum Environmental Criteria (CAM in Italian) established by the Plan for the environmental sustainability of consumption in the public administration sector and are adopted by Decree of the Minister of the Environment for the Protection of Land and Sea (IT). CAMs are mandatory for all contracting stations pursuant to art. 18 of Law 221/2015, of…

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Clust-ER Energy and Sustainable Development Network Emilia Romagna Region

Ecosurvey® has subscribed to the Clust-ER Energy and Sustainable Development Region of Emilia Romagna The Clust-ER are communities of public and private subjects that share ideas, skills, tools and resources to support the competitiveness of the most important production systems in Emilia-Romagna.I Clust-ER sono comunità di soggetti pubblici e privati che condividono idee, competenze, strumenti,…

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Competence of Environmental Minister to identify material to be considered no longer as waste but recyclable

Competence of the Ministry of the Environment to identify material to be considered no longer as waste but recyclable   Waste– Recyclable materials – Identification – Competence. Correspond to the Ministry of the Environment and not to the Regional Authorities, to identify, in addition to the provisions of EU directives, the additional “types” of material…

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Values for Soils and Groundwater

Background values for soils and groundwater

The Guidelines for the background Values for soils and groundwater have been published by ISPRA: these are the criteria for the acquisition, processing and management of data aimed at determining the fund values for soils and groundwater as indicated by the following standards, widespread pollution (Part IV, Title V of Legislative Decree 152/06 and subsequent…

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Contamination by perfluorinated PFAS

The perfluorinated PFAS contamination threshold concentrations were established in Decree of the Ministry of the Environment of 6.07.2016 which transposes the Directive 2014/80 / EU [amendment Annex II of Directive 2006/118 / EC] on the protection of groundwater against pollution. The CNR-IRSA in 2013 published the «Evaluation of environmental and health risks associated with the contamination…

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Towards a circular economy model for Italy

“Towards a circular economy model for Italy” is the way for the public consultation of the Environment Ministry Circular Action Plan until 18.09.2017. The action promoted by the Ministry of the Environment aims to provide a general framework for the circular economy as well as to define our country’s strategic position on the theme, in…

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