Guidelines for environmental impact studies

Guidelines for environmental impact studies EIS

Environmental impact assessment. Guidelines for environmental impact studies EIS.

The SIA Environmental Impact Study Guidelines of the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA) were published in April 2020.

The regulatory changes introduced by Legislative Decree no. 104/2017 to the second part of the Consolidated Law on the Environment provide for the adoption of national guidelines and technical standards for the preparation of documentation for carrying out the environmental impact assessment, on the proposal of the SNPA.

This SNPA Guideline is the answer to this request. It provides a tool for the drafting and evaluation of environmental impact studies for the works listed in Annexes II and III to the second part of Legislative Decree 152/06 s.m.i.

The indications of the Guideline integrate the minimum contents provided by art. 22 and the indications of Annex VII of Legislative Decree 152/06 s.m.i., refer to the different environmental contexts and are valid for the different categories of works, the aim is to provide clear and possibly exhaustive practical indications for:

  • the indications of the minimum contents for SIA environmental impact studies;
  • Annex 1 on environmental issues;
  • Annex 2 on thematic analyzes

The file in .PDF format is available for consultation on this web page:

Download (Linee_Guida_SNPA_LLGGVIA_28_2020.pdf, Unknown)

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