
Bonifiche dei terreni e delle acque sotterranee contaminate con tecniche a basso impatto ambientale greenremediation e smartstripping. Tecniche di bonifica specifiche: Soil Vapor Extraction-Bioventing, Air-Bio Sparging, Multi-phase Extraction, Declorazione riduttiva, Landfarming, In Situ Chemical Oxidation [ISCO], Biorisanamento riduttivo, Pump&Treat con circolazione chiusa. La certificazione dell’avvenuta bonifica e la restituzione agli usi legittimi avviene secondo la parte IV del D.Lgs. 152/2006 e le indicazioni degli elenchi regionali dei siti contamninati. Ecosurvey®-3000 SRL è iscritta alla Categoria 9 dell’Albo Gestori Ambientali obbligatorio per “Bonifica Siti”.



  • Stazione Lazzaretto People Mover TPER Bologna

    Lazzaretto Station People Mover Bologna TPER

    The People Mover connects the railway station to Bologna Airport and is the first monorail built in Italy with fully automated and electric guidance. In the Lazzaretto intermediate station there is the switch that moves an entire block of the monorail to allow the passage of the shuttles. The hydraulic system acts from 5:40 to 24:00, 365 days/year, with a frequency of up to 7 min/h, about or about 55,000 times/year.
    Following an accident that caused oil dispersion, Ecosurvey® carried out the cleanup procedures under art 249 Decree 152/2006.

  • Fortezza Landfill buried and reclaimed by Ecosurvey

    Reclaimed Landfill BBT

    The longest underground railway connection in the world, between Fortezza and Innsbruck: the Brenner Base Tunnel, with a buried landfill reclaimed with MISP from Ecosurvey. Approval from the Services Conference of the Province of Bolzano and VIA Committee of the Environment Ministry. In addition to significant environmental benefits, the approved MISP project allows savings of over € 3 million in public resources compared to the initial hypothesis envisaged by the customer.