Ecosurvey® provides services and assessment in the field of environmental sciences, geology and engineering. It has documented experiences gotten in major national projects for soil management, wastewater and environmental due diligence. The team consists of professionals with 20 years of experience and is supported by the best laboratories in geotechnical and analytical chemistry in Italy. Specific actions have been made in the refining and marketing of petroleum products, production and marketing of chemical and gas products, in the food, metallurgy and plastics production sectors. Nationally relevant projects have been carried out for the refurbishment of unmanaged landfills, characterization and management of dredging sludge port areas, river sediment examination and environmental soil and groundwater assessment of hundreds of areas subject to purchase.

Venaus Dam (ENEL)
Ecosurvey® has exclusive use survey tools and techniques, international environmental assessment protocols updated to Italian legislation, expertise on industry-specific regulations, and usage licenses for computing algorithms, as well as direct support of software developers of computing software health and environmental risk analysis and modeling of canned air emissions, including odor and greenhouse gas (CO2 eq.). It is competent for the characterization of contaminated sites, design, construction and management of remediation plants, effluent effluent purification, geophysical search for buried waste.
Ecosurvey® has a certified business management system that measures the continuous improvement of its performance, qualifying references and a periodic third party control system of its activities and supports low-impact environmental remediation techniques by calculating the environmental footprint: GreenRemediation.